sugarbot's aim is to provide testing and automation facilities for the OLPC Project's Sugar GUI. The project must first identify and evaluate possible implementation options, and then implement the best choice. Although it has a Sugar focus, sugarbot should be easily extensible to other Python-based GUI's.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


So... modifying inheritance at runtime is about the coolest thing EVER.  I have succeeded in getting Calculator.activity to run inside of my own activity, sugarbot.activity.

...mostly because it made my code work.  :-).  Most of what I've toyed around with the past two or so days is useless, so I'm stripping that code out.  Some other code doesn't quite mesh with the new stuff, but I'll get on that ASAP. [Code is now on SVN nder trunk/sugarbot]

To list my accomplishments today:
  1. Figured out how to get another Activity's code running under my activity, via runtime inheritance.
  2. Successfully identified button-presses in Calculator.activity.  Example output:
Window sugarbot Activity created
Button pressed: 3
Button pressed: +
Button pressed: 3
Button pressed: enter
Button pressed: 5
Button pressed: -
Button pressed: 5
Button pressed: enter
Button pressed: None

Altogether, today was a pretty good day.  The example output above shows that there are definitely going to be some stumbling blocks with some portions of some Activities, as not all of the Widgets are named properly (the last 'None' press was the stop-sign icon to stop the Activity).

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